Sunday, February 25, 2007

Black Water Falls

Here's a shot of the falls at Black Water Falls State Park in WV.
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Blackwater Falls

This is Blackwater Falls in Blackwater Falls State Park in WV.
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No diving today

Here's why we didn't dive today. This is the same shot across the lake looking at the power plant. 25-30 kn winds, fog, freezing rain, Oh My!
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Another shor from Mt. Storm

Here's another shot actoss the lake at Mt. Storm. Notice the ice in the foreground on the tree limb.
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Here's a picture of the power plant that keeps this lake from freezing even in -4 degree water. This coal burning plant uses the water in the lake to generate electricity. According to this web site, the plant circulates all the water in the lake every 2.5 days. Water leaving the plant is 100 degrees and the water at this side of the lake today was about 50 degrees. Not bad for late February!
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Mt. Storm Training Dives

Yesterday was a beautiful but cold day at Mt. Storm. At 7:30am, when I took this picture it was -4 degrees Farenheight without the wind chill. By the time we started diving it had warmed up to about 15 degrees and was a balmy 25 by the time we completed our training dives for the day.

All in all it was a good day of diving, not much wind, decent visibility!
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